If you did something wrong, you will probably crash - if you crash, restore your backups and try to convert again from start. Dont load them again in tchernobog0.2.2atob-itemtransferonly.exe! conversion is doable only once, trying to do it again will ruin chars/stash or crash. Your stash and characters should be usable in 0.2.2b now. Put shared stash file into save folder, create a new character, enter game, wait till shared stash loads, relocate one item in it (to guarantee it will resave), exit game, delete new character. Load all your characters one by one then go back to character selection menu. Launch tchernobog0.2.2atob-itemtransferonly.exe. Make backups of all your characters and stash.
Unique and set items have changed and this version can't load previous saves directly! They need to be converted! Read guide below! Remember that loading any character also loads shared stash. Important! You need to convert saves with tchernobog0.2.2atob-itemtransferonly.exe (inside release pack), before being able to play this version!
New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.2.2b has been released and added to the download section.