In the event an error occurs, please send us the LOG FILE. ***Please always have your computer plugged in and a battery charger on your vehicle during the flashing process.***

Any issues or troubleshooting will be handled accordingly until resolved. Please note that once a file is sent, no returns or refunds will be accepted. This is your responsibility as the owner. DSManager is the ‘light’ Race Evo version, conceived to manage a slave network without being tied to the complete editing platform.***PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE BEFORE PROCEEDING*** NOTICE – If your original software is OLD and not available, you MUST go to the dealer to have the most current flash put on your vehicle. A specific tool for the automatic checksum recalculation is provided with it. DSManager can decrypt/encrypt and resize files received from New Genius allowing to manage files with other tuning softwares. Database allows to classify and store all the files sent to/received from each dealer.Ĭhoose DSMANAGER to manage slave users with other tuning softwares: DSManager is a dedicated software to tuners who prefer to develop tuned files with other platforms available on the market. ‘Slave’ dealers can just read and program files exchanged with their manager and cannot exchange files with any other tuner.

Organize your slave network with RACE MANAGER upgrade: upgrade is an extension of the main software working on a master system, allowing the user to manage and control a network of ‘slave’ dealers equipped with New Genius and New Trasdata tools.